Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The latest and greatest

Once Thanksgiving hits, it is just a big blur until Christmas arrives. Somehow through all of the hustle and bustle, I still manage to get the decorations up, pick out a tree, order Xmas cards, do endless holiday cooking for classrooms and work parties, etc. etc. And then on top of it, my job has been pretty demanding lately and I have more deadlines than usual. So I will post a few of these pics so I can sit back for a moment and enjoy some of the things we've done lately.

Mother and son dance with Dyson

Midnight showing of twlilght with the girls

(Blurry, but it's all I have)

Layney doing a centerpiece for Thanksgiving

Taylen and Dyson with the lollipop turkey

Picking out a tree- cool and misty

Bart loading the tree in the truck- how easy!

Finished hanging the garland!

Funniest story of all... we have this calendar that counts down to Xmas and every day one of the kids moves the little Santa into the next pocket. I told the kids that when Santa reaches the last day, it will be Christmas. So....

For some reason Santa is never in the right spot. Each and every day, Layney takes the Santa out of the numbered day and moves it to the end and says "It's Christmas!" SMART COOKIE!


Melissa said...

Oh, that's too cute! So funny how Layney figured that out! Looks like you guys are having a ton of fun. Did you like Twilight?

Jennifer said...

Wow your busy. I feel like a maniac running around too. I have that same picture of us at the midnight showing and I don't think it's blurry if you want it. Let me know.

Unknown said...

I keep checking these blogs regularly. It is a neat way to keep in touch long distance and hear and see the latest news. Can't wait to see you in person.

Chuckleheads said...

Tina...is that you in the bright pink shirt as the shining beacon amongst all your friends in black? What a cute blog full of catching up stuff....I love Christmas!

Lisa said...

So GREAT to see all the hustle & bustle over there. You've got great photos and it's such a happy thing to look through them! VEry COOL! Have a MERRY Christmas Ballards!