Friday, February 6, 2009


What happened to the last TWO months??? I guess the normal holiday festivities must have gone on a little longer for me. Not really festivities, just the craziness and time consuming affairs that go on around that time of year seemed to have stretched out until about right now.

So, we're back on track. I want to keep up regularly on my blog, although I've noticed that Facebook now takes up more time that usual because too many people write me things and its so easy to waste an hour a day seeing what everyone is up to. I love staying current with everyone, so I won't complain.

Not much is new. Dyson claims all of the girls in his class suddenly "L-O-V-E" him, as he spells it out, too embarrassed to even say the word. His front tooth is getting wiggly, and I can't wait to see how cute he looks without it!

Taylen is getting close to straight A's. We have waited a while for this. She could easily accomplish this task, but she hardly puts any time or effort into her work, she is just skating by. I know if she cared just a little more, she would be there. Bart is bribing her with taking her out somewhere special- anywhere of her choice- if she gets the A's. Yesterday she suggested Hawaii. (She is smart).

Layney is my love and joy. Every day I laugh because of her. She talks and sounds very grown up for just being 2. I can't think of anything she says off the top of my head, but just spend 10 minutes with her a see for yourself.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The latest and greatest

Once Thanksgiving hits, it is just a big blur until Christmas arrives. Somehow through all of the hustle and bustle, I still manage to get the decorations up, pick out a tree, order Xmas cards, do endless holiday cooking for classrooms and work parties, etc. etc. And then on top of it, my job has been pretty demanding lately and I have more deadlines than usual. So I will post a few of these pics so I can sit back for a moment and enjoy some of the things we've done lately.

Mother and son dance with Dyson

Midnight showing of twlilght with the girls

(Blurry, but it's all I have)

Layney doing a centerpiece for Thanksgiving

Taylen and Dyson with the lollipop turkey

Picking out a tree- cool and misty

Bart loading the tree in the truck- how easy!

Finished hanging the garland!

Funniest story of all... we have this calendar that counts down to Xmas and every day one of the kids moves the little Santa into the next pocket. I told the kids that when Santa reaches the last day, it will be Christmas. So....

For some reason Santa is never in the right spot. Each and every day, Layney takes the Santa out of the numbered day and moves it to the end and says "It's Christmas!" SMART COOKIE!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lots of Love from Layney

Layney probably says the sweetest things of any of my kids. Every day she is very polite and says thank you when I do ANYTHING for her. At night when I tuck her in, she says "Thank you mommy for my warm bed. I love you so much." Who wouldn't melt? The other night when I had late night practice for choir, I snuck upstairs to change my clothes and she whispered "mommy-is that you?" I went in to see what she wanted and she said "oh, I'm so glad your home mommy, I'm so glad you're back." She gave me a great big hug and smiled at me with her big brown eyes. For as much complaining as I do, motherhood is a joy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

More on Soccer

yeah, yeah, yeah. The word soccer is mentioned at least a dozen times a day in our house and frankly, I am getting a little tired of it too. But I do really enjoy the games and cheering on their teams. The hard part is all of the practices, pictures, parties, and extra stuff that goes along with just soccer. Not to mention possible tournaments after the season. WHat?

Taylen's team was lucky to have the Fresno State women's soccer team come and practice with the girls last week. They each got paired up with an older girl to work on skills and played a game with them at the end. It was a really neat opportunity!

Halloween happenings

Some funny things have been going on this week. Maybe it has to do with Halloween or something. I was working on the computer and Layney snuck up behind me and yelled Boo! She said she was being Indiana Jones. Pretty smart girl to have found a hat, light, and bag to fit the part.

Dyson came in yelling he hurt himself playing outside, so he threw himself down in front of the fridge and grabbed something cold to put on his 'scrape'. When I looked over from cooking a minute later, I laughed as he clutched a pack of hot dogs to his boo-boo. I told him to get something frozen, like in the past when we have used a bag of peas. Once again, when I checked him out a minute later, he was soothing his wound with a package of chocolate chips from the freezer, eating several through his moans and groans. I've gotta watch this boy a little closer!

Dyson and Layney on Halloween with their spookiest faces:

Taylen in her classic model pose. Too pretty of a witch if you ask me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I started taping a little late, but this was too cute not to show. Layney loves to sing and here is her doing "B-I-N-G-O and bingo was his name-O"