Saturday, August 9, 2008

Olympic Humor

We started watching the opening ceremonies last night as a family. It was so beautiful and the word AMAZING doesn't do it justice. I again realized how hard it is to watch anything with 3 kids popping around and talking non-stop. The kids noted a few things I didn't pick up on.....
At the part when there were women gliding around in the air like fairies. Taylen asked how they did that. Dyson told her "They each have a rocket pack and cape."

At the part when the men were doing painting with their bodies, I asked Taylen what she thought of that. She said "I could do that easy. They just roll around on the floor."

Finally, the one that made me laugh the most. We were noticing how most of the Chinese people look so similar and it would be impossible in America to find thousands of men to perform with the same look and body type. One little Chinese girl came out singing and waving and Taylen said- "Hey look, that girl goes to Red Bank!" Bart and I laughed and said no she doesn't. A lot of Chinese people look similar. She said, "No really, I see her all the time. She's in an older class than me." So I guess I will keep my eyes peeled this year for her.


The Gage Cage said...

Now that I have served in the Pioneer Park (Hmong) ward and Cambodian Branch.......they don't look totally the same to me. Taylen is so cute!

Reider Family said...

That is so funny about Taylen and the little Chinese girl. I hope that she will look out for the girl at her school and maybe make a new friend! Kids are so funny.

Chuckleheads said...

Funny. Yah know...I could roll around on the floor to paint like that too. :) Love this post. Your kids are so cute.

Grandma Honey said...

Taylen is too funny!!

Lisa said...

I know what you mean.....I mean, when I look around in our ward I think.....gee...everyone looks alike! Enjoyed the entry!