Do your kids ever do things wrong, then turn around and say "I'm sorry". I had to post this because everywhere I look, my house is being taken over by I'm sorry signs. It all started when Dyson was old enough to write. He would go in his room for time out and then come out with big puppy dog eyes and a crumbled sealed envelope. Inside was his I'm sorry note. It was all misspelled and the envelope was still wet, but my heart melted. Then Taylen started doing it too. She is more artistic and creative, so hers have pictures, flaps, and all kinds of cool things. No one ever really says anything about it, they just hand it to me and run back to time out and we talk about it when time outs up. They are cute and it makes them spend time considering what they did. I love these notes!
Sooo cute- Dyson wrote "I forgive me"
Hey Tina..those are cute notes. I love your familiy, my husband is always telling me doesn't Taylen remind me of Jacki. She's so good with the siblings, you know and communicates well and has such a great dispositiion. I scrolled down and read the other entries and you do such a great job posting and it's amazing how they all add up to one "great" life. No regrets right? Keep Blogging!
I was looking at my blog last night ( and then was just randomly clicking "next blog" and yours popped up! WOW- small freaking world!
We miss you guys- Dani is sick of the rain and lack of real heat. It is hard to believe it has been two years. We would love to see you guys sometime.
Those are the really precious times. I remember you and Stephanie doing those kinds of things. I hope you are keeping those notes. They will cherish them when they get older and look back to when they were little. I love and miss all of you. Love, mom
Love the notes!! Kids do the dangest(is that a word)things. I miss teaching Dyson!! He was such a good reader!!
Yes(to your comment), they(christopher and amber) are a huge part of our family already!! If all goes well the adoption starts in January and with any luck we can also adopt the two older siblings, Alex(10) and Katie(8). We have already expressed or desire to adopt them and their social workers are ecstatic about it. They are great kids!!
These rock. Seriously. Someday when they are all grown up they will love looking back at these and laugh hysterically. My parents made us write essays when we got in trouble and now when I read them its like a timewarp. FUNNY. can you not melt with those. :)
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