Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is she doing now?

I've been busy with many projects at work lately, so I thought I'd describe a little about what I do. I recently helped the designer I work with take a 17,000 square foot building and divide it into different office spaces (concept wise). First we left it as one space in case a large company wanted to lease it. Then we divided it into 2 spaces. Finally we split it into 3. I drafted the plans on the computer and we had them mounted for a large presentation meeting Thursday. Then I got to do what I love. Pick three different possible color schemes for people moving in to choose from or get ideas from. It's fun to see it all come together, and the most rewarding thing is to have everything neatly mounted and presented. I like being meticulous and having everything perfect on the boards. In some areas of my life I wish I wasn't such a perfectionist. In my work life, I'm glad I am!


Chuckleheads said...

You always were good with that stuff. My favorite memory of projects you did was reconstruct that skull/face thing in college...remember that? I almost changed my major just so I could do one too.

The Millers said...

It looks like you have a real good eye for detail. Looks like a fun project too!

Lisa said...

wLove the colors! So warm and I could actually see them. That is really a neat job you have there. I'm glad you can still do it with kids underfoot! Super Mom are ya?!!