Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Potty Training

It certainly has been easy and quite interesting potty training Layney. She came to me when she turned 2 and has gone with very few accidents ever since.

She does have one little quirky side, though. She wants you to follow her to the bathroom, but you aren't allowed to look or talk or anything. Most times she tells me to "close your eyes and look away, mommy" or "stand in the hall and don't peek". I almost always forget about her doing this until I am helping her pull her shorts down and I'm told to go away. No, come back. No, don't look. Even sometimes she wants me to put my face to the wall. Hey-- I'll do whatever it takes so I don't have to ever buy diapers again!!!!!


Chuckleheads said...

Potty training...oh the things I forget that I have to look forward to!

The Gage Cage said...

She looks so happy. Laney is such a good natured girl. I'm glad she was willing to potty train for you so young! I don't think I'll be as lucky with Jet.