Friday, June 13, 2008

School's Out

Taylen and one of her best friends, Claire, sang and danced in the end-of-year show at their school. Taylen is a seasoned performer in dance, but singing acapella was a totally new experience for her. They performed "Let's get together" from the Parent Trap. It was really cute, now they are headed for the big 4th grade!!!


The Gage Cage said...

Very cute Tina. I'm excited to be able to check out you blog. Keep the post coming!

Chuckleheads said...

Taylen is in the 4th grade! When did that happen. I swear...your kids get a year older every day. She is adorable and I'm sure the Parent Trap song was too!

Unknown said...

First time we went on the blog since being back. Good to see the kids are enjoying the pool and Layney is getting brave in the water. Miss you guys!!!